Sýndarþjónar hjá 1984 eru mjög áreiðanlegir og stöðugir með frábæran uppitíma, enda keyrðir á besta fáanlega búnaði. Aðgangur að þjónustunni felst í rótaraðgangi yfir ssh og sjáfstæðu (e. out-of-band) VNC viðmóti í vefstjórnborði. Stýrikerfi að eigin vali, ef þitt óskastýrikerfi er ekki í fellilistanum þegar þú pantar skaltu velja "Annað" eða "Other" og senda okkur tölvupóst á 1984@1984.is með óskum og fyrirmælum. Ekki biðja okkur um að setja upp Windows stýrikerfið, við leyfum það ekki á okkar kerfum.

Tilbúnir þjónar í boði


For freedom fighters

The only VPN to be trusted is the one you have full control over.

The server and client certificates are automatically generated and the client file sent via email to the customer after. Runs on port 443, which is almost always accessible. All logging is sent to /dev/null and DNS queries are made on the same server.


Also for freedom fighters

40-50% faster than OpenVPN.

Route all your traffic through an encrypted tunnel, perfect for bypassing internet controlled by a fascist government.


Ready to use webserver

LEMP stands for Linux, nginx (pronounced Engine x), MySQL, and PHP. It comes preconfigured with an optimized PHP setup which can run, depending on the size of the server, load heavy sites. It is also good as a content delivery server for example advertisement banners, videos, or even a fileserver for files to download.

Nextcloud Server

Ready to use Nextcloud

Run your own cloud service.

Nextcloud, the next generation open source Enterprise File Sync and Share software, the server is optimized for high usage with Let's Encrypt https certificate.

Hvernig get ég pantað?

To order VPS hosting you need to register, click the button below to go to the registration form. If you have any questions regarding this product send us a request using the contact form, or a direct email to 1984@1984.is!